Monday, August 10, 2009

Lara & Eric, 8/8/09

I was thrilled to get to know Lara and Eric over the course of their wedding planning. What a kind, considerate and down-to-earth couple! Lara is one of the most organized people I have ever met and she had most of the details down and vendors booked well over eight months ago. Eric built their wedding arch by hand, carefully wiring curly willow branches together into a rustic masterpiece. The arch did cause a few issues though...when I went to decorate it after dropping off the bouquets etc, it wasn't standing up by itself on the grassy slope of Hamilton Viewpoint Park. My sweet husband ended up hoofing it to the hardware store to buy stakes to hammer in supports on either side. I am pleased to see from the pictures that the arch remained standing throughout the ceremony!

The wedding colors were lime and eggplant, the theme vintage, organic glamour. Here are a few pictures from the day...
*invitation design by iwona k design studio-

1 comment:

Lucy @ bigjobsboard said...

I love the bouquet. It's perfect. The flowers is beautiful.

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